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L1B Conversion SAP Calculations

L1B SAP calculations for conversions come in two stages: a ‘notional report’ and a ‘proposed report’. These reports are then compared in order to produce an up-to-date EPC for the property.

This process includes:

• Assessing the existing and proposed area of the external building fabric and openings.

• Analysing the building’s current construction materials and the extension’s proposed materials.

• Understanding the energy consumption of the current and updated heating systems, lighting, ventilation systems and renewable technologies.

• Creating a report with benchmarked data for the existing and proposed elements of the building, and a report with the proposed data for the existing building and the extension.

• Inputting data from the proposed report into SAP calculations software.  This determines the entire property’s Dwelling Emission Rate (DER) and Dwelling Fabric Energy Efficiency (DFEE) rating.

• The DER and DFEE of the proposed report is then compared against benchmarked standards.  For conversions to pass the SAP calculations process, the figures from the proposed report must be lower than the benchmarks.

One Stop Consult can arrange these calculations within 7 working days from instruction.

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